Six Feet Apart Please︎︎︎
Almost overnight, shoe-pads and circles became our ubiquitious governing. This is an open-source archive that has been contributed to by both strangers and friends. The markings and stickers around New York City create a holistic reflection of design and pandemic communications across the city.
Almost overnight, shoe-pads and circles became our ubiquitious governing. This is an open-source archive that has been contributed to by both strangers and friends. The markings and stickers around New York City create a holistic reflection of design and pandemic communications across the city.
Featured in
It’s Nice That, April 2021︎︎︎
Cool Hunting, April 2021︎︎︎
The Happy Reader, Issue No 17︎︎︎
It’s Nice That, April 2021︎︎︎
Cool Hunting, April 2021︎︎︎
The Happy Reader, Issue No 17︎︎︎
During my time living in Manhattan in 2020, I picked up running as a hobby. I covered miles of an empty city and started to fill a phone album with these strange stickers. As more and more popped up I felt like this new grassroot design deserved documentation. The website has grown to host stickers from all over the world.